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1-Bepanah pyar hai
2-ALLAH ke Bande
3-Aa bhi jaa
4-aapka aana
5-Bulla ki jaana
7-har kisi ko nahi
8-Hare Raam Hare raam
9-Hello ..hello
10-jab Se tere nena Mere
Health Education Solutions Launches Online Certification Programs for Critical Care Medical Professionals.
Dancing with the Stars is a unique series that pairs up celebrities with professional ballroom dance partners in an intense competition -- live -- in front of a studio audience and the nation. Each season has a select number of celebrity/professional dance pairs. The pairs are then judged by a panel of expert judges as well as by the viewers at home. One team will be eliminated each week.
Artist: aasiwal
The Brooklyn pop trio hit it big with 'Bruises,' played ad nauseam in ubiquitous iPod Nano Chromatic commercials last year. Next month, they'll unleash more of their quirky, soul-touched electropop with a new album, 'Does You Inspire You.'
Who: Anya Marina, a pixie-ish Michigan-born California gal who ditched a sputtering film career (100 Girls, anyone?) to become a local disc jockey. Honing her songwriting chops by immersing herself in music all day allowed her to claim the San Diego local open-mike crown; a song on the Grey's Anatomy soundtrack called "Miss Halfway" scored her a national audience.
Sounds Like: The dozen songs on Slow & Steady Seduction: Phase II are a mixture of Liz Phair sex appeal and Boswell Sisters cabaret with a dash of Jung. "You can have a side to you that's overt and raw, but usually it's reserved for the bedroom or your innermost thoughts of your mind," she tells Rolling Stone. "Some artists are used to going there and that's part of their shtick. I didn't want to put on airs." She credits the intensity of her singing on "Afterparty At Jimmy's" to turning out the lights in the studio and taking her shirt off. "It was fun; it was nice."
Vital Stats:
• Marina's father is a Jungian psychologist who, instead of asking how her homework was coming along, would probe her about how her relationships were developing. If he were to ask her that question today, the answer would apparently be: slowly. Marina was recently on her fifth date with a guy who was trying to talk through why things weren't working out between them. "It was a fucking three-hour long conversation," she says. "I'm thinking 'dude, you've never even tried to kiss me and we're talking about why we're not dating.' Sometimes you can't talk it out. Just shut the fuck up and throw me on the bed."
Sounds Like: With 10 songs clocking in under 25 minutes, their debut album is a flash flood of surf punk, girl group croon and heavy reverb. Inspirations like the Wipers, Nirvana and the Shangri-La's are evident on songs like the poppy but abrasive "Going Insane" and super-catchy "Where Do You Run To." "When we started out, we just wanted to be a really, really fast band with really short songs," guitarist-singer Cassie Ramone jokes. "That was our original game plan. Now we're trying to write songs that are longer than two minutes. We're aiming for two-and-a-half minute songs."
Vital Stats:
• Ramone and bassist Kickball Katy formed the band in 2007 after first meeting in high school. "We met at a Weezer concert," Ramone says. They recently recruited Katy's college friend Ali Koehler to step in as drummer. Cassie Ramone got her nom de rock after what she calls an obsession with the Ramones' Rock N Roll High School, while Katy's nickname has a more mysterious origin. "In 2002, I went to college and joined the Super Secret Kickball Society," Katy says. "But I can't talk about it."
Starring: Dev Patel, Irrfan Khan, Anil Kapoor, Madhur Mittal
Over the past several months we have rolled out a number of enhancements to our music video service.
As many of you already know, we took a big step in March by moving from a pop-up video player to an embedded player. This new experience provides for more seamless playback and improved sharing features.
We’ve also introduced some other cool features and enhancements that I’d like to share with you.
Upgraded video quality:
We recently upgraded our encoding specifications and are now providing 16×9 format videos when available. These new settings look fantastic and scale very well for the ‘full screen’ mode. Here’s a capture of a new 16×9 video from the band Paramore.
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